Hack the Risk



Founder - Susan Joseph is a JD/MBA and former General Counsel who has been advising and consulting in law, blockchain and fintech for the past five years in the areas of digital assets, cryptocurrencies, enterprise distributed ledgers, smart contracts, insurance, consortia, regulatory matters, identity and privacy, banking, emerging technologies, open source strategies, and other issues as they occur across financial services, insurance, real estate, and humanitarian concerns. She currently runs the RiskStream Civics Program, was formerly the B3i North America Representative (Insurance Blockchain Consortia), has built and run blockchain Working Groups for global insurers, and is the Blockchain Editor for Insurtech360. 

Susan is often consulted about issues that intersect regulation and technology and was the first Executive Director of ID2020. She is an Advisor to BlockRe (digital asset insurance) and OneWorldIdentity (identity). Susan advises many companies at their early stages, publishes regularly, and frequently travels around the world to guest lecture at universities and conferences alike. 

Notably, she is a co-founder and the Executive Director of Diversity in Blockchain, Inc. (“DiB”), a not-for-profit with 501(c)(3) status with its main office in New York City and multiple local chapters. DiB is committed to creating equal, open, and inclusive opportunities in the blockchain industry. Susan is a Core Leader for the World Economic Forum on both their Consortia and Supply Chain Projects and is a member of their Expert Network. Additionally, Susan founded and runs the womeninfintech group on Linkedin which has 2,400 plus members in 47 countries.